How Does Periodontal Disease Affect Oral Health?

How Does Periodontal Disease Affect Oral Health?

How Does Periodontal Disease Affect Oral Health?

Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease or periodontitis, is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects the gums and supporting structures of the teeth. Bacteria and plaque buildup on the teeth and gums cause it. Periodontal disease typically begins with gingivitis, which is the inflammation of the gums. When plaque accumulates on the teeth and along the gumline, it can irritate the gums, causing them to become red, swollen, and prone to bleeding. If left untreated, gingivitis can progress to periodontitis. 

In periodontitis, the infection extends beneath the gumline, causing the gums to pull away from the teeth and form pockets. Bacteria thrive in these pockets, further damaging the gum tissue and supporting structures, including the bone that holds the teeth in place. As the disease progresses, the pockets deepen, the bone and connective tissues break down, and the teeth may become loose or even fall out. Early detection and timely treatment of periodontal disease are crucial for preventing further damage to the gums and supporting structures, preserving oral health, and reducing the risk of tooth loss. Regular dental visits at ÉLan Dentistry and good oral hygiene habits are critical to preventing and managing periodontal disease. 

Symptoms of Periodontal Disease 

  • Red, swollen, or tender gums 
  • Gums that bleed easily, particularly during brushing or flossing 
  • Receding gums or the appearance of longer teeth 
  • Bad breath or a persistent bad taste in the mouth 
  • Changes in the alignment of the teeth or the way the teeth fit together 
  • Loose or shifting teeth 
  • Changes in the fit of dentures or other dental appliances 

Treatment for Periodontal Disease 

Professional Dental Cleaning

Professional Dental Cleaning involves removing plaque and tartar buildup above and below the gum line. It includes scaling and root planing. This procedure may require local anesthesia to ensure comfort. 


Antibiotics may be prescribed to control bacterial infection. They can be taken orally, applied directly to the affected areas, or inserted into the gum pockets. Antiseptic mouthwashes or rinses may also be recommended to reduce the bacteria in the mouth. 

Flap Surgery

The gums are lifted to allow access to deeper areas for thoroughly cleaning and removing infected tissue. The gums are then sutured back in place. 

Bone and Tissue Grafts

Grafting procedures may be performed to regenerate bone and promote tissue growth if there is significant bone loss. 

It's important to note that proper oral hygiene practices, regular dental check-ups, and early intervention are vital in preventing and managing periodontal disease. If you have any concerns about your gum health, visit ÉLan Dentistry at 1030 West Imperial Hwy, La Habra, CA 90631, or call (714) 364-8181. 

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La Habra, CA

1030 West Imperial Hwy, La Habra, CA 90631


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  • THU8:00 am - 6:00 pm
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(714) 364-8181